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Want To Start Your First Business? 4 Simple Steps For Confidence (Episode 54)

March 18, 20247 min read

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🗣 Hosts Lewis Smith and James Eardley dive into a crucial topic for aspiring entrepreneurs: confidence. 

Recognising the pivotal role confidence plays in pursuing entrepreneurial dreams, Lewis and James discuss four simple steps to build confidence and take the first steps towards starting your first business.

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Links and Resources Mentioned:

Get Shopify for £1 a month for 3 months: https://www.dropshipunlocked.com/shopify 

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Key Takeaways:

★ Step 1: Change Your Inputs: Curate the content you consume to cultivate a positive and empowering mindset.

★ Step 2: Surround Yourself With Success: The company you keep influences your confidence levels.

Immersing yourself among achievers and like-minded individuals strengthens belief and resolve.

★ Step 3: Embrace Continuous Learning: Knowledge is empowering and removes the fear of the unknown. Learning from those who have achieved your goals provides insights and guidance.

★ Step 4: Take Action: Action is the antidote to fear and a catalyst for building confidence. Start with small, manageable actions to gain momentum.


Learn More:

 ➡️ When people are ready to create time and financial freedom for themselves, they visit - https://www.dropshipunlocked.com/free?el=blog-54-4-simple-steps-to-confidence

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Topics Discussed:

In the "Want To Start Your First Business? 4 Simple Steps For Confidence" episode of the Dropship Unlocked Podcast, the hosts and guest discuss various ways to build confidence for aspiring entrepreneurs. The first step is to change the inputs into one's mind by consuming positive and educational content and eliminating negative influences. The second step is to surround oneself with successful people who can inspire and challenge growth. The third step is to gain knowledge about the business, which can help overcome limiting beliefs and reveal new possibilities. The fourth and final step is to take action, even if it's a small step, to conquer fear and build confidence. Additionally, the podcast provides suggestions for paying for initial business expenses and minimising delivery times, such as using personal funds or a business credit card, and informing customers of longer delivery times.

00:00:00 In this section, the hosts discuss the importance of confidence for aspiring business owners and how it serves as the foundation for entrepreneurial success. They explain that without confidence, ideas remain just that, and the lack of it can significantly predict entrepreneurial inactivity. The hosts suggest that building confidence comes through gaining knowledge, repetition, and trial and error. They encourage listeners to give themselves permission to start despite feeling unqualified, as confidence is essential for activation energy. Overall, the hosts emphasise that confidence is a crucial component in overcoming the obstacle of fear and hesitation, allowing individuals to take action and pursue their entrepreneurial dreams.

00:05:00 In this section, the speaker shares his opinion that the first step to gaining confidence to start a business is to change the inputs into one's mind. He argues that the constant stream of consumer marketing and sensationalised news can make people feel inadequate, fearful, and angry, and keeps them focused on external factors rather than their own potential. By consciously choosing to consume positive and educational content instead, individuals can cultivate their minds and build confidence in themselves. The speaker emphasises the importance of deciding what inputs one allows into their mind, as it will have a significant impact on their thoughts and overall well-being.

00:10:00 In this section, the speaker shares how important it is to be conscious of the sources of information that shape our thoughts and mindset. They discuss how eliminating negative inputs, such as news apps and social media, can help make room for positive and uplifting content. The speaker suggests listening to podcasts or audio books from successful entrepreneurs and business owners as a way to adopt their positive mindset and thought patterns. They recommend the podcast "Motivate Me" as a starting point for discovering what type of content resonates with individuals. The speaker emphasises that making space and controlling where we put our time is a liberating feeling and can lead to significant improvements in thoughts, actions, and ultimately, the life we live.

00:15:00 In this section, the guest, Jim, emphasises the importance of surrounding yourself with successful people once you've started changing the inputs that influence your mindset. He explains that the company you keep significantly impacts your confidence levels and encourages listeners to choose wisely who their five closest companions are. By immersing yourself among those who have achieved your goals or are on the same path, you can strengthen your resolve and belief in your ability to succeed. This exposure to successful individuals provides a living example of what you're striving for, normalising your aspirations and offering inspiration and motivation. Jim shares his personal experience of attending Shopify Meetups and moving to Thailand to be around like-minded entrepreneurs, emphasising the importance of continually surrounding yourself with individuals who challenge and inspire you to grow.

00:20:00 In this section, the speaker emphasises the importance of gaining knowledge about your business as the third step towards building confidence as an entrepreneur. He uses the analogy of standing in darkness and having someone light up the path ahead, revealing new possibilities. The speaker shares personal experiences of encountering successful entrepreneurs and learning from them, which helped him overcome limiting beliefs and set new goals. He concludes by emphasising the empowering effect of knowledge and the importance of taking action to build confidence. The final step in the four-step plan for building confidence, according to the speaker, is action itself. He uses the example of jumping into an ice-cold plunge pool to illustrate how taking action can help conquer fear and prepare one for handling challenges in business and life.

00:25:00 In this section, the speaker emphasises the importance of taking action to build confidence. He explains that fear often prevents people from starting, but taking even a small step can help break down those barriers. The speaker shares his personal experience of starting a business through drop shipping, even though it was the wrong business model at the time. He stresses that it's essential to start and learn from mistakes rather than overthinking the first step. For those ready to take the next step and start their entrepreneurial journey, the speaker suggests starting with small actions, even if they're not perfect. He also recommends his book, "Home Turf Advantage," as a resource for navigating potential pitfalls.

00:30:00 In this section, the speaker discusses ways to pay for initial business expenses and minimise delivery times. One method involves using personal funds to pay for products and then reimbursing the business once the payout is received. Another option is using a business credit card to pay for products and then paying it off once the payout is received. The speaker also suggests informing customers of longer delivery times and using the business profits to pay for products once the payout is received. The speaker emphasises that these methods are only necessary when first starting out and that suppliers may eventually offer credit terms. The podcast also encourages listeners to leave a review for a chance to join the Elite masterclass community for free.



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Website: https://www.dropshipunlocked.com/ 


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